While the world is reeling from Covid-19, South African youths are battling an entirely different pandemic – one of joblessness. Known as the Born-Frees, Generation Z is confronting an unemployment rate of 74.7 percent, according to StatsSA, which regrettably places us as the world’s number one of unemployment. Not the top spot one pursues to have from a group of 200 countries right?.

‘’Exceptional Solutions’’. “Utmost Transparency’’. ‘Learning Focussed’’. “Instrumental to Development’’.

These are just some of the comments made by our “Interns turned Titans” during their career journeys at BEEA.

Skill them, then employ them

Job Creation is critical to facilitate economic growth, stability and improved social development in the quest to eradicate poverty, inequality and stall the runaway train of unemployment. BEEA is relentlessly in pursuit of providing solutions for their clients with Skills Development Initiatives and Internship Programmes.

As with our own interns, your time/money investment of a 12-month learnership or internship programme will be rewarded ten times over, when that intern is appointed permanently and starts producing performance results. Yes, this may sound slightly objectified, but success is a numbers game. Quality Input equals Quality Output.

‘’Develop them youngsters’’ – Generation Z

To facilitate youth development, eStudy (BEEA’s sister organisation), provides services across all learning and development functions, including Internship and Learnership Turnkey Solutions.

A unique combination of digital self-learning, mobile or virtual classroom-based learning models is available for clients to drive skills development, achieve business objectives and earn BEE points. These delivery mechanisms are selected specifically with ‘’young’’ people in mind.

Like one of the interns mentioned: “BEEA accommodated our needs as youngsters, even though the managers are old!!!” LOL-truth bomb right there)

Let’s get practical

At BEEA, we created a ‘’real-life’’ learning ground for our interns with workplace readiness training, fostering professionalism in verbal and written interaction workshops, and exposing them to hardcore technical courses from the eStudy online training library. On-the-job training is a priority for all our interns, where they receive ample opportunities to turn theory into practice.

We follow a similar approach when strategizing with our clients to ensure that formal and informal training received by their interns, cultivates professional and personal development gains, to be applied and leveraged practically within your business.

From Annoyance to Advantage

The complexities surrounding BEE regulation, scorecards, and newly adopted sector codes are often met with apathy, annoyance, and even downright resistance! To remain on point with the dynamic nature of BEE Legislation and consequentially comply with strict regulatory requirements, become less of a nightmare and a hands-down advantage with BEEA as your proverbial One-Stop BEE Consultation and Verification company.

Dedicated and professional consultants are on a mission to add value to a business, incorporating tools such as the BEE ROI calculator and the digital skills development facilitator (ESDF) products.

We have a stellar track record of helping clients cost-effectively optimise BEE scorecard levels.

BEEA:  your trusted provider for A-Grade BEE solutions.





“How you sell, matters. What your process is, matters. But, how your customers feel when they engage with you matters more”. Tiffani Bova

FACT: Without sales, there would be no business to manage!

DILEMMA: Salespeople are expected to hit the road, screen or keypad without the fundamental tools they need to attract, persuade, negotiate and successfully close the deal. Did you know that employee turnover in sales divisions is on average 35% compared to 13% in other industries?


Before delving into business’s key sales functions, let’s dissect ten soft skills paramount to successful sales professionals. (Recruitment Tip: Keep these in mind when hiring your next batch of interns or experienced candidates)

  1. Internal Locus of Control – The extent to which people see themselves as responsible for their own success or failure, not using or blaming external pressure, disappointment or crises to validate non-performance.
  2. Initiative – To adapt when ”things do not transpire” according to normal scripts, trends, guidelines and training.
  3. Empathy – The aim is to help/assist/offer value to the client first and foremost.
  4. Accountability – Sales is a science-based on metrics, ratios and numbers. A salesperson has to take ownership and responsibility for their activities. Delivering on client expectations.
  5. Optimistic Realism – In sales, keeping a balance between optimism and realism is crucial. Sometimes you need to pick yourself up by your bootstraps if deals fall off or business is stagnant.
  6. Emotional Intelligence – The key here is the extent to which the individual empathises and comprehends the emotions and motivations that underlie human behaviour. EQ is the ability to ‘read people”, identify nuances, and pick up on sales cues from the client.
  7. Communication Skills – The best salespeople are naturally eloquent in writing, speaking, and reasoning abilities, with an assertive nature, but diplomatic approach.
  8. Organised – Sales functions are diverse; some are more important, others more urgent. Fighting fires all the time is not conducive to sales targets. Focussing on admin activities as an excuse to not cold call/see clients, is a recipe for failure. If they cannot plan and stick to a plan, deals won’t happen.
  9. Confidence – Clients are extroverts, introverts, and everything in between. Charisma is important however, sales aggression is frowned upon. Confidence is the cushioning between a fight or flight response
  10. Intellectual Curiosity – A great salesperson will always question more, the why the when, the what, the how. They know to assume nothing in a sales environment

eSTUDY’s Sales Accelerator programme covers the key personal and interpersonal skills required to succeed in sales coupled with practical exercises to address areas of development (by the way, we don’t call them weaknesses anymore).


Take a skills snapshot of your current sales team. Do they know how to discover what the customer really wants? Do they know how to deal with objections? Do they have the skills to persuade and negotiate their way to success?

The ten key themes of a sales process could look something like this:

  1. FYC – Find your client
  2. KYC – Know your client
  3. IYC – Interest your client
  4. SYC – Show your client
  5. PYC – Persuade your client
  6. NYC – Negotiate your client
  7. CYC – Close your client
  8. SYC – Service your client
  9. AYC – Amaze your client
  10. UYC – Upsell your client

The Sales Accelerator programme consists of 17 courses that cover the sales process’s fundamentals, essentials, and supplementals.

Whether they are greenies or old hands, learners will discover how to cultivate profitable relationships, create masterful pitches, circumvent objections, handle complaints and ‘’cement’’ a client recurring client portfolio for the long term.


The toll that sales may take from a personal ‘’management of self’’ aspect, is often disregarded in training programmes. Not the case with the Sales Accelerator – students will discover how to improve their communication, enhance productivity, make better decisions, and solve issues with proper oversight and resilience.


Customer expectations are constantly changing and evolving. The competition is lobbying for the same clients, and external market forces (life in the time of Covid-19) exasperate the necessity for upskilling and even reskilling one’s sales force.

The benefits of a robust sales training programme are undeniable:

  • Consistent Sales Language

A sales team that follows a consistent modus operandi and learns new sales techniques as a unit has better opportunities to develop a unified and effective “sales language”.

  • Stronger Client Relationships

Being in tune with customer needs and communicating value propositions to the client for them to realise the connection between their needs and the product/service on offer.

  • More Predictable Outcomes

A sales team that is lacking in sales adeptness and industry knowledge leaves too much to chance. Reskilling and upskilling via effective training may uncover more revenue and enables the sales force to deliver more consistent outcomes


The Sales Accelerator programme from eStudy, offers value to new and experienced salespeople alike.

Managers and team leaders who liaise with clients will benefit from this programme, whether in a sales or services setting. For customer-facing employees, taking this course would be a no brainer. Even employees in a marketing environment will value gaining insight into the customers and sales process connection.

Set your interns and employees on a journey to sales finesse, with this unique training initiative. Get in contact with us for a detailed briefing and start accelerating your sales results.


Kom ons praat oor Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging (SEB)

Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging, of SEB (BEE in Engels) is vir baie mense omtrent ‘n vloekwoord!

Dit word geasosieer met politiek en word dikwels omgekeerde rassisme genoem. Baie voel dat SEB sekere rykes net ryker maak en daar word tans ook baie daarna verwys as “wettige” staatskaping. Hierdie is maar net ‘n paar van die vele negatiewe konotasies wat geheg word aan SEB.

Laat my toe om my opinie in perspektief te plaas. Ja, ek is ‘n wit man in my laat vyftigs. Ek praat Afrikaans en ek woon agter die Boereworsgordyn (in Pretoria)!

Ek beskou myself ‘n gemiddelde Suid-Afrikaanse burger, met ‘n gemiddelde IK, en met gemiddelde kwalifikasies. Tog maak ek die stelling  dat baie mense slegs die negatiewe aspekte van SEB  raaksien. Ek dink dit is bloot oor al die negatiewe publisiteit wat gemik is op sensasie. Ja daar is baie negatiewe persepsies, vele rampspoedige projekte, en talle geldmaakskemas in die SEB Industrie. Om die waarheid te se, ons sien dit elke dag as SEB Konsultant, en al die negatiwiteit stel SEB in ‘n baie swak lig.

Tydens my meer as 10 jaar as SEB Konsultant het ek die gewraakte SEB onderwerp met vele sakemanne bespreek, en ek was in baie raadsale waar die voor- en nadele van SEB bespreek is. Ek weet ek herhaal myself –  ek was aan baie rampspoedige SEB projekte blootgestel, maar ek het ook talle SEB suksesstories gesien.

My gevolgtrekking: Dit is eintlik eenvoudig. Suid-Afrika het eknomiese en sosiale transformasie nodig. In al my raadsvergaderings en in al my gesprekke met sakemanne het niemand die basiese beginsel bevraagteken nie: Suid-Afrika mot deur ernstige en dringende transformasie gaan.

Die vraag is HOE transformasie moet plaasvind. Nou vra ek jou… kan jy in alle eerlikheid se dat jy sake doen in die ware gees van SEB transformasie?

Net JY weet wat die antwoord is!

Verstaan jy Transformasie, Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging en Bree-basis Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging en hoe dit jou besigheid/boerdery/sake raak? Nie? Ek sal dit vir jou in eenvoudige Afrikaans verduidelik. Kontak my vandag nog!


Gerhard Visser

(012) 997 0037

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