Our BEE Library gives you access to relevant and interesting B-BBEE documents covering most relevant news and regulations on the B-BBEE Code, including all BEE Sub-Sector Codes. Please click the links below to open the relevant documents.

“BEE Intelligent”

BEE Report – BEE Analyst

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BEE Analyst – BEE Certificate

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Sworn Affidavit – B-BBEE EME – Agri Sector

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Covid-19 Court Ruling – Mining

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BEE compliance of JSE Listed Companies – deadline extended

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Sworn Affidavit – B-BBEE Exempted Micro-Enterprise – General

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B-BBEE Practice Guide 02 of 2016 B-BBEE Certificates – EMEs and qualifying small enterprises

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Amended Standard DTi Code of Good Practice – Generic Code

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Employment Equity Act, 1998 (act 55 of 1998 as amended) Repeal of EE Regulations

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Draft Discussion Paper on Improving the Quality of Business Advisory Services in SA

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Revised CA Sector Code Draft published

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BEE Analyst – Company Profile

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Proposed changes to the BEE Code MARCH 2018

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Transport Sector Code – Domestic Aviation Part 2

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Learning Programme Matrix – Dept of Labour

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B-BBEE Amendment Act, 2013

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B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice 2007 – Generic Part 1

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B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice 2007 – Generic Part 2

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B-BBEE Codes of Good Practice 2007 – Definitions

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Revised B-BBEE Code of Good Practice as released on 11 October 2013 by Dept of Trade & Industry, effective on 30 April 2015

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Revised B-BBEE Code – Clarity on Empowering Supplier Status

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Agri BEE Charter

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Financial Sector Code

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Forestry Sector Part 1

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Forestry Sector Part 2

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ICT Sector Code

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Marketing, Advertising and Communication (MAC) Sector Charter

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Property Sector

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Transport Sector – Bus Commuter and Coach Services Part 2

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Transport Sector – Bus Commuter and Coach Services Part 1

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Transport Sector – General Notice, Preamble & Definitions

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Transport Sector – Domestic Aviation Part 1

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Transport Sector – Forward & Clearing Part 1

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Transport Sector – Forward & Clearing Part 2

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Transport Sector – Maritime Transport & Services Industry Part1

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Transport Sector – Maritime Transport & Services Industry Part 2

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Transport Sector – Public Sub-Sector Part 1

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Transport Sector – Public Sub-Sector Part 2

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Tourism Sector Code

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Transport Sector – Rail Sub-Sector Part 1

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Transport Sector – Rail Sub-Sector Part 2

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Transport Sector – Road Freight Part 1

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Transport Sector – Road Freight Part 2

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Transport Sector – Taxi Industry Part 1

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Transport Sector – Taxi Industry Part 2

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Sector codes means a code which is applicable to a particular industry as defined by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).
There are 11 Sector codes which consist of:
The Standard DTI B-BBEE Code of Good Practice
Agri BEE Charter
Financial Sector Charter
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Charter
Property Sector Charter
Charted Accountancy Sector Code
Integrated Transport Sector Codes
Forest Sector Codes
Construction Sector Code
Tourism Sector Code
Marketing, Advertising and Communication (MAC) Sector

Black people are defined as follow:

African, coloured or Indian persons who were either:
Born in South Africa
A citizen by descent (through one or more parents)
Became a citizen by naturalization before the commencement of the constitution
Became a citizen by naturalization after the commencement of the constitution, but who without the apartheid policy would have qualified for naturalization before then.

The major changes in the Revised BEE Code:

Seven BEE elements will be reduced to 5 BEE lements only. Management Control and Employment Equity will be combined and be called MANAGEMENT CONTROL. Preferential Procurement and Enterprise Development will be called ENTERPRISE AND SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT. The compliancy level was increased from >30 pts to >40 pts. Penalty / Discounting principle will be introduced, if you do not achieve the sub-minimum on Ownership, Skills Development and Enterprise Supplier Development you will drop 1 BEE Level as a “penalty”.

Improve your efficiency with a custom system that manages the implementation of your applicable BEE Code, and the BEE accreditation process.


"BEE Instrumental"

BEE Analyst has many well-known international, multinational and local clients:


BEE Analyst, as the experts in BEE consulting, is registered at the:

Association of
B-BBEE Professionals
Finance and Accounting Services Sector
Education and Training Authority
Chartered Institute of
Management Accountants